Sunday, December 2, 2012

The Law of Attraction

Even the teachers of the Law of attraction mention that there are other laws in place. The law of attraction is more than just thinking your way through life and getting what you want. There are other things involved that need to take place in the process. You need to empty the cup, in other words… you need to clear your head. Some exercises would involve having positive thoughts, doing something you enjoy doing, and making sure you have lots of gratitude for your current situation regardless of whether or not you want to be in the position you are in.

I like to go beyond the law of attraction. I like to go to the bible and give God the glory for he has said in his word as a man thinks so he is. Job said in the 3 chapter of the book, what I fear has come on to me. Jesus said your faith has saved you, and so many other scriptures that re-enforce the same doctrine of the Law of Attraction. The Law of attraction is described as some genie who does not know what you want, it only knows that you thought about it and it gives it to you. Weather it is good or bad. As I understand it’s the power of visualization.

I prefer to give God the glory and make this a lesson to be learned. The videos and classes of the law of attraction can help interpret some of these things because they do it so well, but I chose to find those answers in the bible and I have a testimony to prove it.

God is good, and every time I desire something with in his will he gives it to me. I have made some wishes that are not in his will and I get what I want anyway. That is because I have faith and I have applied those things for the benefit of my family as well as the benefit of the church.

Not so difficult to understand. You just got to practice the meditation or as we call it in the bible, you just got to pray. The communication with God and the calm application of your thoughts will allow you to enter into a peaceful mind and spirit setting, and will allow you to re-direct your life-path. The best part of it is that you will start attracting good people your way and the bad people away. Just be joyful and dream big.

All the best
Eddie Lago