Saturday, November 10, 2012

How to Close the deal

When Sales are some of the highest making money careers in the world, people tempt to see sales as a bad thing. Have you been approached by a sales person? Have you noticed that they always want to sell you their product? Does that make you feel uncomfortable? If you answer yes to these questions, then you need to know how not to let that sales person be you.

When you meet with a prospect your first approach should be getting to know about them. When you introduce yourself you should have done some research on the prospect and approach him or her as an admirer of their success. You should know if they have any books and give them some positive feedback about their book. Make a connection with your client and make all about them.

Find out what concerns they have, don't worry about weather or not those concerns are with in your industry nitch or not. Remember, this is all about your client feeling comfortable and  learning to trust you. Then next step is to find a way to help your prospect in that concern with a connection, or action to resolve the matter. If its a matter of family problems, buy him or her a book on family matters, specially an audio book, or if its a matter about legislation, write a letter to the person responsible for the matter at hand and send a copy to your prospect. This will show that you really care and that you were listening.

The client is a part of an industry that you are targeting, so you should send a copy of that letter to other related businesses in the area with your contact information to show them that the matter at hand is concerning to their industry and that it can put them out of business. You will get several responses that say thank you, I wasn't aware of this, and who are you questions also.

The opportunity then is to say that you are an Apostle to their industry and that you have to help your clients stay in business so you can stay in business also. Then they will want to know what kind of business you operate. That is when you turn to them with your  best and simplest approach. I do XYZ, but I'm sure your XYZ provider not only has your XYZ accounts with great savings, but they are also doing the same for you to keep you in business.

They for the most part will answer and become interested in becoming your client, or they might just move on because they don't need your services. The prospect might have some one who provides the service you are offering. Be ethical about it, and let them compare products if they want, but you are looking for new prospects and you are truly looking to help people.

I can use examples in the area of webdesign, video graphics, business broker, and business marketing because those are the areas that I work on the most. If my client has a web designer and feels like I do a better job with better rates, then they might want me to work on their next updates. I usually give my clients a surprise gift. I have to come up with creative ideas to promote my business so after I give away a freebie like we call it, I ask for a reference.

I keep helping my clients more and more each and every time I come around certain businesses by understanding what they are concerned about at the moment so they can have peace of mind. Become a friend for life and you will always have business people who will refer you, and even invite you to play golf with them.

All The Best

Eddie Lago