Saturday, October 13, 2012

Business Marketing Creations

The way I see it is simple, positive people attract positive things to their life. The first thing I like to focus on is the word of God. His word teaches us to rejoice in him with all of our hearts and he will grant us the petitions of our hearts. When you think about fear you learn that you can use this negative feeling in your favor by wanting to succeed. However, perfect love drives out fear as the bible mentions in the first epistle of John chapter 4 verse 18.

I like to share what works for me all the time. When I was a child I made some prayers and shared with God my desires. Today I can look back and see that he gave me all of them. I made new ones as I grew up. Now I am living a new dream. A dream designed with positive surroundings. I started by asking God to remove all negative people from my life. People who will affect my spiritual growth on top of all. I want to grow in knowledge of his will. I want to grow in love and passion to help those in need. I want to be a millionaire and a wealthy man.

So i started my journey in wealth accumulation. I started investing in Gods kingdom, and I started investing in people like you who read and want to learn more. I invest in the positive reader who wants to make a difference with real deals and real opportunities. I already spent thousands of dollars on things that do not work for me. So I advise you by saying that this may be for you, if you want to create extra income and monetize on your talents.

Whatever you are doing right now, keep doing it. I did not stop doing what I was doing when it comes to working because I have to pay my bills. I added a talent or knowledge to my life and used it to make money. Then I upgraded to other things that compliment that particular talent. For example: I learned to repair computers and as I came across companies I learned to design websites because they asked me if I knew someone who can design several times. So my wife and I have worked on web design since we took a class together in college when we met, and she finished her degree in computer science. We then moved on to video creations and programing, and now we create iPhone applications. There’s always a next if you don’t have a next thing coming up you will become obsolete.

Find out what people want or need. Learn a trade of something that is in demand and be creative. See the major retail giant Walmart became creative and change what was already in existence... the way retail stores market and operate. Same with other products like coffee witch has been around for centuries, or Starbucks change the way people view coffee. How long have coffee shops been around?

Do something the others are not doing so you can gain advantage over the competition. When you find the product or service people want, you will be the choice of everyone by going above and beyond. Provide something the other competitors are not providing.

Always do it to help the client, this will benefit everyone involved directly and indirectly. You have a passion to make money, but that will not come unless you turn that passion into something more like the roots of helping people.

Your net worth is determined by your network. Surround yourself with people who encourage you, people who motivate you, people who believe you, people that will build you. Don't take negativity from no one, and do not take advice from people who are more screwed up then you. Surround yourself with successful people.

Some say that you must go through trials to be built and shaped, and I say that trials are also a small part of your growth. Trials should only be a small percentage of your development, the larger portion should be more of the uplifting joy of being able to accomplish the milestones that take you to the top.

Choose one, and stick to it. When I heard this I was disturbed by this comment. I love to try several things. However, I like to do these businesses on the side and make extra money only if they make me more then I make full time in one week working part time. I have closed deals in less then an hour that make me what I would make in a month working full time.

Find the product with the highest profit margin and sell it. Read or listen to audio books of successful gurus and entrepreneurs who motivate and teach ways to close the deal, sales psychology, or things with in the area of interest to you. I have several because I have multiple personalities. When I take on a task, I look for ways to master and learn more about that particular project and teach. Like my passion for food, or my love for graphic design, and the perfect love for God and his will.

Yours in success
Eddie Lago
Business Marketing Creations